2009/07/19 18:14
Amazing ... Today I had received my google wave account, and started to play with wavelets, blips and all these newer things ;-). Really amazing. I really think that it could be the next big thing in the social/communication side of the web.
It takes me one hour to developp a robot (maison@appspot.com) which replace the word 'fuck' by 'f**k' in all the blips of a wave ... amazing. (Edit : my robot has generated a lot of blips in a wave (wavesandbox.com!w+UyA_PnlT%A) yesterday night ... really funny)
Now, I can't really think all things that could be available in a such system. But as always: APIs from google are just perfects ... they fit my brain. Every thing can be done using python and GAE : just perfect.
EDIT : A really good introduction to present what google wave is (in french)
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Tags: wave
2009/07/18 13:04
Apparently nothing has changed (may be some disturbance now). But a lot of changes was made. I had just migrate all files+models from one appspot-id to another one (At the beginning I couldn't choose "manatlan" as appspot-id ?! Now it works ?!). Files were easily migrated (thanks to gae). But models were more complex, thanks to AEX, it helps me a lot ;-)
BTW, flux.manatlan.com was a subdomain of my old appspot-id (it was very dependant on this website). Now it has its own appspot-id and works alone (with its own cron, taskqueue, and own quotas). It's in beta stage now (use at your own risks).
So, this is the first post (a test ;-)) on my new appspot-id.
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Tags: aex, gae
2009/06/29 21:08
Just a line, for those who follow my rss for the totem's plugin flux. Here is a new release : more stable, with a progress bar for long process and RFI podcasts too !
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2009/06/16 21:37
After my preceding post, I'd started a new/better totem plugin called flux. In fact, it's a plugin which is plugin'able and provides a lot of features in one plugin. Mainly easy access to live streams, to rss/atom videos/youtube/dailymotion, to audios and videos of well-known french podcasts (canal+/radios). Sure, this plugin is mainly for french people, so the page is in french language. It's the initial public release, but I use it for long times now ;-). Hope it will enjoy french people, like me ;-)
UPDATE 2009/06/29 : just released 0.2 version ;-)
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2009/05/02 12:26
Today, I've played with totem and its plugins. I have seen that they can be done in python/gtk. After hacking an existing one, I've built 2 plugins (in a very short time, less than 30 minutes). The first one is for listening some popular french radios. The second is for watching some streams of canal+, the 'zapping'.
I think I will made them better in the near future because it's easy and fun to develop them. I had never liked totem before, but it's pretty cool to let users(developers) improve it with plugins.
UPDATE 2009/06/16 : Now, these plugins are discontinuited. You should find them in a better totem plugin, named flux
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2009/04/21 17:17
Just a post to tell that I've added a simple tool to share files with friends : yserv ! In fact, I use it for many years, and I really think it can be useful for someone else.
In my case, I use it to send files/folders when I am on instant messaging services. I just drag'n'drop files on my shorcut, and my computer act as an httpserver letting my friends download the files. When they finish, I just quit the tool. It's very handy to send files in live. It's a kind of instant-serving.
Hope it could help someone too.
More infos
UPDATE 2009/05/01
Now, yserv is in pypi
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2009/04/08 19:56
In fact, I always asked myself why there was a to_xml() instance method on an entity, without an from_xml() on the model class (the reverse method). If you have an answer, please, don't hesitate : tell me ;-)
So, I tried to make my own from_xml method. And it seems it works pretty good for me (afaik for the models of this website). So I want to share my work, so volunteers could help me to make it better : I take patches, and will maintain it.
My script exposes 2 methods :
- exporte(*objects) : will generate (yield) a xml flow (using the
to_xml() ) of all "objects". object can be a Model class, in this case it will query all entities, or object can be some entities.
- importe(objects,file=None,buffer=None,delete=False) : will import in models defined in objects, the xml flow from a file if file is defined, or from a buffer if buffer is defined. 'delete' will make a delete all before importing.
You will find it on the project's page
UPDATE 2009/04/09 :
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Tags: aex
2009/04/08 07:09
It's here ! The most awaited feature is here. Now we have cron in GAE. It's a big day !
A cron job will invoke a URL at a given time of day. A URL invoked by cron is subject to the same limits and quotas as a normal HTTP request, including the request time limit.
An application can have up to 20 scheduled tasks.
And better, it was done like in my dream ;-)
Btw, GAE is one year old (happy birthday !), and is now java compliant.
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Tags: gae
2009/03/26 12:09
This site doesn't use webpy anymore. I'd started to developp my own anti-framework around webapp (which is the minimal framework of GAE), which try to mimic webpy. I poorly named it : aeweb.
In fact, I always used 10% of webpy. Webpy, although it was an anti-framework, is now a full featured framework (providing templates, sql access, form generator, markdown access, openid, session ...) Too much for me.
I'd got many troubles during the 0.2->0.3 phase (troubles with notfound/internalerror, markdown broken, reloader broken, seeother/redirect broken, https detection broken, ...). But I learned a lot of things hacking webpy during this phase.
Webapp is a simple thing, and miss some features, like simple cookies, routes according host, .... Webapp use the WebOb thing (for its request/response object), which is a really nice and mature library. The Do-It-Yourself from its author gave me the idea to do it my self. Nearly everything I needed were already here in webapp/webob, I'd just made a wrapper around webapp to offer some simple things, and aeweb was born.
And better: aeweb can be run outside of GAE, but you will need webapp and webob (But it was not its main goal)
Now, my main website (this one), is completly webpy free. The main problem was to remove templetor (the webpy template engine), to use tempita instead (which seems to be 10 times faster).
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Tags: gae, aeweb
2009/02/14 10:23
Sure, wobpy's going in the right way now. Til I decided to make it a wsgi utility, the APIs are going simpler. And it will be easier to setup it in any wsgi compliant frameworks. It's now more natural to declare a wobpy object. Here is a simple example in a full wsgi stack :
from wobpy import *
class WTest(Wobpy):
def init(self):
def onClick(self):
self.t.set_value( self.t.get_value() + "!" )
def simple_app(environ, start_response):
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type','text/html')])
yield """<script type="text/javascript"
yield str( WTest() )
if __name__ == "__main__":
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
make_server('localhost', 8011, WobpyMiddleware(simple_app)).serve_forever()
simple_app is the most simple wsgi app, which send back the include script for jquery, and the html's form of the wobpy object WTest.
All the backend (the ajax communication between the page and the server) is done via the middleware, badly nammed WobpyMiddleware.
It's a lot better than before. I have no dates for a public release yet. I'm working on a way to open modal dialog, and I need to fix apis. But for sure, it's really amazing to do. And it works very well.
Another amazing thing, it should work "as is" with ironpython., at least 95% of the code base.
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