2008/10/14 20:47
Py2deb comes on this host, which will be the official website. A new release is out too : the pydeb 0.4, which comes with some minor changes (should be compatible with debian too, and install itself in python2.6 path too).
Pages on the old website will forward to here.
The gtk frontend will be released soon too !
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Tags: py2deb
2008/10/14 19:43
Toujours en français dans le texte, puisque Fricorder est une application uniquement disponible pour les français qui ont la chance de posséder une freebox.
Cette version contient uniquement de légères modifications cosmétiques : la fenêtre est maintenant redimensionnable, le titre de la fenêtre est maintenant correct et affiche le numéro de version correctement. Rien de bien neuf, juste du cosmétique, par rapport à la release précédente
Les versions deb/rpm et sources sont toujours disponibles ici
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Tags: fricorder
2008/10/10 10:55
En français dans le texte, puisque Fricorder est une application uniquement disponible pour les français qui ont la chance de posséder une freebox.
Cette nouvelle version apporte :
Cette version devrait rester néanmoins compatible avec VLC 0.8.* et l'ancienne playliste. On en parle dans la mailing et sur le forum d'ubuntu-fr.
Les versions deb/rpm et sources sont disponibles ici
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Tags: fricorder
2008/09/29 15:58
Microsoft will include jQuery in its MS VistualStudio ! It's amazing. An opensource projet will be shipped in a big commercial product of Microsoft (it's the first time, no ?). And it will shipped "as is", without a fork ! (they plan to contribute too). So .net developpers could include the google ajax jquery apis in their asp.net products, amazing ;-). Hope the credits will always goes to John Resig, in the future ... jQuery for masses (I am a bit scared). But, definitely, times are changing ..
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2008/09/01 16:44
Ubiquity is the new mozilla buzz (A kind of commandline for firefox). And Sandy is a reminder service. I wanted to use Sandy with Ubiquity.
This is my first try. It's able to make the authent if '_sandyAuthent' is configured. Without that, it can only write to Sandy if you are already logued in iwantsandy.com ;-).
Here is my contribution :
name: "sandy",
homepage: "http://manatlan.com/",
author: { name: "manatlan", email: "me@manatlan.com"},
license: "GPL",
description: "Write to Sandy (iwantsandy.com), make authent if needed",
takes: {"text": noun_arb_text},
_sandyAuthent: { "email": "xxxx", "password": "yyyy"},
_write: function(msg) {
var params = {"message[body]":msg};
type: "POST",
url: "http://iwantsandy.com/email/create",
data: params,
error: function() {
displayMessage("Where is sandy ?! a problem occured ;-)");
success: function() {
displayMessage("Ok, Sandy will '"+msg+"'");
preview: function( pblock,txt ) {
pblock.innerHTML = 'Sandy, "'+txt.text+'"';
execute: function(txt) {
zis = this;
type: "GET",
url: "http://iwantsandy.com/email/new",
error: function() {
displayMessage("Where is sandy ?! a problem occured ;-)");
success: function(data) {
if(data.indexOf("Log in")>0) {
// not logued yet ...
// so log in
type: "POST",
url: "http://iwantsandy.com/session",
data: zis._sandyAuthent,
error: function() {
displayMessage("Where is sandy ?! a problem occured ;-)");
success: function(data) {
if(data.indexOf("Log in")>0)
displayMessage("Need authent to write to sandy (configure '_sandyAuthent')");
else {
two posts in one day ! great !
EDIT 02/09/2008 For now, put this script in your command-editor. In a near future, it will be hosted on this domain, in an ubiquity way.
I'd like to find a way to prompt the user for its registration informations (any ideas ?).
In a near future, it will be able to display (in preview), the daily digest and others listings ...
Discussions have started here and here
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2008/09/01 06:36
Two days after my last post. iBraining has now a reminder system, which works. It's able to send mail/reminder to any user which suscribe for. It's now features complete (like I wanted at the beginning ;-) ), until new ideas.
Sure, it's not GAE which do that, with its own limitations : no cron, no massmailer (only 3 to 5 mails by minutes are allowed). I had setup another web service on alwaysdata (wonderful python hosting service), which communicate with ibraining main site, in a restful way. It's a little bit complex, compare to a native solution, but a lot easier than if it was done on gae.
But it's a big day (and it's the 1st september). Users can now setup a "coach", to help them to train regularly. The next big thing is a new game.
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Tags: ibraining
2008/08/30 07:49
Google had just released a Google App Engine Cookbook, and I had added a recipe How-to put any python object in a DataStore ;-), and find a lots of usefull tricks.
I really need to release a version of jbrout 0.3, which use exiv2, with the pyexiv2 python bindings. Just need to find the time !
I've got a new secretary : sandy ;-). I really like the concept behind this appointment/reminder service. You can manage easily your appointments by mail. It's just what I needed. And the best thing : you can snooze a reminder ;-) (which is boring on google agenda)
I really love the apis of google. Here is a simple translator using the google translate javascript api. It's amazing how it's simple.
Except that, ibraining is updated each week. Recently, new modal popups, new graphics ... And in a near future : a new game. And perhaps a way to set a reminder to remember to play regularly (But GAE doesn't allow to send more than 5 mails by minutes ;-( )
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Tags: ibraining, gae
2008/07/02 20:45
A lot of changes on iBraining ! Yesterday I had pushed a new revision with lots of changes. The home page is lighter. In fact, a lot of "403 over quotas" were presents. So I decided to review completly the page, to make less database calls (it seems they are always presents ;-( ).
A new game appears : "colors". And a new google adsense tower is now present on the page's right (need to pay the domain name and perhaps "more quotas" in the future).
I really need to profile my app, to avoid theses "over quotas" (I had already profiled it, but except the google api calls : I really don't understand where the real problem is). BTW, Google App Engine is really great.
update 21/07/2008 : no more 403 quotas exceeded. After some profiling I had removed problems.
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Tags: ibraining
2008/06/23 20:55
I'm green ;-) (I don't know if we can say that in english). But me, I can ;-). I've made a big mistake, by crashing the original website sources. In fact, I was working on a new version which was pushed by mistake. This version is full of bugs/exceptions. No ways to revert back sources on alwaysdata.com ;-(
So I decided to change the DNS of my gandi domain, to redirect to my google app domain "ibraining.com" (which was in construction). Ibraining on alwaysdata is dead. So I had just the time to finish the version on appspot, and migrate users base, during the dns propagation. And here is the new ibraining !
The good news is that : now ibraining is on a gae account ;-)
But I will have a lot of works to migrate the 30000 scores, and finish the work ;-(
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Tags: ibraining
2008/06/12 20:52
Should I migrate iBraining on Google App Engine ? I'm disappointed. iBraining is already a python app which works very well on alwaysdata.com (which is a very very very good hosting provider). Servers are really speed, ssh is enabled, and all good python libs are available.
I'd made an iBraining version on GAE, which works very well too. The only thing I've done : I had changed the db backend : a complete denormalization of the database to be able to store datas in BigTable. It was a hard job, but not as difficult as I thought. The code just work, like expected, because I used the wonderful webpy 0.3, with mako templates.
It's a lot easier to work on GAE : no needs to deal with a second db for tests, fastcgi tricks, .htaccess and rewrite rules. If it works on local, it works on GAE. It's a real breeze to administrate too !
But it will be a big job to migrate domain and datas ;-(. I don't know yet if I will migrate or not. But I need to take a decision soon.
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Tags: ibraining, gae
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