2008/06/12 20:52
iBraining : to migrate or not to migrate ?
Should I migrate iBraining on Google App Engine ? I'm disappointed. iBraining is already a python app which works very well on alwaysdata.com (which is a very very very good hosting provider). Servers are really speed, ssh is enabled, and all good python libs are available. I'd made an iBraining version on GAE, which works very well too. The only thing I've done : I had changed the db backend : a complete denormalization of the database to be able to store datas in BigTable. It was a hard job, but not as difficult as I thought. The code just work, like expected, because I used the wonderful webpy 0.3, with mako templates. It's a lot easier to work on GAE : no needs to deal with a second db for tests, fastcgi tricks, .htaccess and rewrite rules. If it works on local, it works on GAE. It's a real breeze to administrate too ! But it will be a big job to migrate domain and datas ;-(. I don't know yet if I will migrate or not. But I need to take a decision soon. Tags: ibraining, gae |